Farm Journal

Monday, August 9, 2021

The dog days are upon us, and the garden has been producing tons of basil and green beans. The summer squash has stopped producing entirely for some reason -- no flowers or fruits. Some cherry tomatoes are coming in, but all the tomatoes in the meadow garden are still green. I pulled the tepary beans yesterday, as they were getting absolutely wrecked by animals.

I started soil blocks of cabbage, kohlrabi, and broccoli -- they’re drying out really fast, however, and I’m not sure how well they’ll do. Redid some of the back garden irrigation on a couple of the beds that had emitters that weren’t working, then planted cabbage, beets, leeks, and onions.

We harvested a ton of pluots -- almost 10 gallons worth. We also harvested another row of potatoes, which yielded 42 pounds of Adirondack Red, and I experimented with storing the Carolas we harvested earlier by settling them in damp sawdust in a bucket and burying it under an oak tree. I’m also frustrated with myself for missing the signs that the sweet corn was ready to pick -- we got a decent amount from the one row, about a 5 gallon bucket full, but many of them dried out on the stalk. I didn’t realize they were ready because they still looked quite small.

A giant tree limb snapped off and fell in the road down to the meadow so I spent a good deal of time cleaning that up.

Our t-shirts came in! Which you can buy right here on the website...

Frogs like squash.
Frogs like squash.
The one potato sprouting out in the meadow.
The one potato sprouting out in the meadow.
Making vin de noix using elderberry wine, black walnuts, and brandy.
Making vin de noix using elderberry wine, black walnuts, and brandy.
Fire blight came back on the pear tree...
Fire blight came back on the pear tree...