Squash and teparies in the meadow have sprouted finally, and I’m hoping the squirrels don’t destroy them too soon. The damn squirrels have already gotten into the meadow garden and tunneled under some of the potatoes. Those bastards are going to drive me insane.

This week has been another week of small, unexciting chores that needed to get done. Making compost tea, thinning fruit, hand watering starts, adding irrigation, etc.

We set up the broody duck with fresh eggs and food and water so she doesn’t have to leave her spot, and we’ll see in a month or so if any of the eggs hatch.

We finally replastered the oven, and are planning to re-paint it with clay alise this week. A ton of baby oak trees had rooted in the buckets of sand that were left out all winter -- it was crazy to see how deep their roots got in such a short time.

Bernie made goat chèvre with milk from Aila, and it turned out amazing.

We harvested some of the shallot greens, and the fruit is setting on the trees really well -- I’m cautiously optimistic this year.

I made a little squat rack and bench setup outside the back garden, knocking some steel pipes into a couple oaks. It’ll be nice to get back to lifting.

A possum drowned in our homemade fish amendment. No idea how that happens... Guess it's natural selection.
A possum drowned in our homemade fish amendment. No idea how that happens... Guess it's natural selection.
Been seeing wild turkeys pretty much every morning. with their chicks.
Been seeing wild turkeys pretty much every morning. with their chicks.
Matilija poppies are blooming.
Matilija poppies are blooming.
I think this may be a black walnut... really hoping it is.
I think this may be a black walnut... really hoping it is.
Volunteer tomatillo.
Volunteer tomatillo.
Strange mold growing on wood chips in the orchard.
Strange mold growing on wood chips in the orchard.
Volunteer amaranth.
Volunteer amaranth.
Made a ladder for the pond.
Made a ladder for the pond.