The ground squirrels have decided to claim this land as their own. Anywhere a squirrel could conceivably dig a hole, a squirrel has done so (especially in and around newly planted trees and berries). Finally ordered a couple traps to try out, but in the mean time I attempted a last ditch effort to save the hedge of goji berries and chinquapins, which sits atop one of the most tunneled areas. I sheet mulched the entire area, thinking maybe cardboard will confuse them, if nothing else. Worst case I’ve added a bunch of compost and organic matter to the area, which will help the extremely sandy soil.

I sucked it up and bought replacement transplants for the tomatoes and peppers that kicked the bucket. I also got a couple Cabernet Sauvignon grapes to trellis up the arbor of the garden, and a couple figs to add to the hazelnuts as you go down the hill. Continued the “plant shit everywhere” approach, seeding a bunch of tepary beans in different places to see how they do.

We also fenced off a third of the orchard, to protect it from the ducks while we get things established. I think we are going to re-vegetate this area in sections, as they really decimate young plants but once plants get a bit established they leave them alone.

A table I built for cob oven cooking prep.
A table I built for cob oven cooking prep.
An eatin' spoon I carved from apricot.
An eatin' spoon I carved from apricot.
Something is going on with a couple of the apples...
Something is going on with a couple of the apples...
A wood rat -- I broke down a pile of branches and didn't realize he lived there and now I feel bad.
A wood rat -- I broke down a pile of branches and didn't realize he lived there and now I feel bad.
Wild turkey
Wild turkey