It teased at raining yesterday, as a layer of mist settled on Wednesday and didn’t let up until this morning. Unfortunately we only got around a tenth of an inch. I’ve continued plugging away at the garden fence this week, getting the chicken wire buried and the crossbeams in place and beginning to fill in the gaps in the beams with manzanita branches.

We’ve been using the compost tea, with Bernie spraying it on the trees and shrubs and me watering the veggie starts with it. Seems like it’s really helped with the fungus problem on the starts.

Peaches beginning to form.
Peaches beginning to form.
Peonies budding out.
Peonies budding out.
Rabbit that was nibbling on the raspberry leaves.
Rabbit that was nibbling on the raspberry leaves.
Coast live oak germinating from an acorn.
Coast live oak germinating from an acorn.
Ceanothus in bloom.
Ceanothus in bloom.
Pea trellis that Bernie made.
Pea trellis that Bernie made.