Farm Journal

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Yesterday we held the first Julian Gardening Meetup (might need to think of a catchier name) at our place. Despite the cold and fog, it was a lot of fun to shoot the breeze with a bunch of people who are into growing food. The feeling of having community is a good one.

I mulched the Mazzard cherry trees in the meadow and Bernie grafted a few Bing cuttings onto them.

We did some long overdue maintenance on the gray water system -- some of the outlets were clogged with food so we flushed them out and made sure they work.

Many of the peppers and tomatoes needed to be potted on, so I got to work on that. I made a potting mix out of the soil blocking concoction mixed with equal parts worm castings and compost. I’m a little disappointed at the results from the peppers and many of the tomatoes so far, but there are some tweaks I definitely need to make next time.

One of the mulberries we planted last year has unfurled, even as I thought it was dead. The crazy bit is that the wood itself along its entire length has completely transformed, from a dull brown to a vibrant green.