Farm Journal

Monday, March 22, 2021

Yesterday we hosted our second workshop, on grafting fruit trees. Jason Geise taught it, and I think it went really well. I certainly learned a lot. Luckily no one sliced their fingers aside from me and Bernie... We’ve got quite a few interesting varieties of heirloom apple scions to try and graft now too — Ashmead’s Kernel, Golden Russet, Gold Rush, Liberty, etc.

I’m doubting my pruning approach at this point too. Jason was pretty firm that you should always make your cuts at junctions on branches, otherwise the wounds don’t heal up as well, which seems to counter what we learned from Paul at Wild Willow. Guess it’s time to hit the books and do some serious research. It seems that a lot of our trees have some bad sunburns too, so we need to look into painting them.